Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lofty Goals

This is where I am starting this morning.

This is where I hope to be by bedtime tonight.

So I am making friends with my favorite chair.

And these tools.

And this stack of books on tape.

My guy may be picking up some take out, come dinner time.
And I may not actually go to bed.
But I'll keep you posted.
Wish me luck!!

Ohhhh....I am feeling lucky already!

Update: Well I spent too much time yacking on the phone, making dinner, eating dinner, and going to bed on time. All very counterproductive. But, I am VERY close to being finished. So stay tuned......


  1. Hi Rana,
    It was very fun meeting you at the quilt show Sunday. I hope you are stitching away happily today as planned. I have 'lofty goals' for after my next 2 days at work...I even wrote a list. Your Lizzie and Zombie look like sweet characters. I'm wishing you luck for dinner :-)

  2. Thanks for taking time away from your busy work to make me a special cowboy dinner! It was super yummy - if my mouth wasn't hurting, I would have had more!

  3. Love your quilt! How is it coming???
