Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rana's World Famous, Thanksgiving Weekend, Turkey Potpie Recipe

I hope that each of you had a very blessed holiday!

I sure did. Friends and family from afar, good food, endless fellowship, holiday music, decorating for Christmas, and pie. Let's not forget the pie. Can I just tell you that my bff made us a pecan pie that was SO VERY yummy. And she drove it over, hot from the oven. Just because. She is THE BEST bff ever!

So, did you notice the little recipe swap/hop icon that recently appeared on my sidebar? Well, it is time for the swapping and hopping and cooking to begin!

My recipe is adapted from one given to me by a lady I met several years ago at a quilting retreat. We were all making story quilts and her's was about the time she had spent studying at the Le Cordon Bleu in Paris France. (WOW!) And as we sewed, she shared some fabulous recipes with us. All from memory, mind you, because that is one of the requirements of the school. You have to KNOW how to make the dishes. Apparently recipe cards are just for us whimpy, novice cooks!!

Now, you may think that you don't really like butternut squash or that you have never bought a fennel bulb in your life. Believe me, I understand. My guy hates squash and I had never bought fennel either, but this recipe is absolutely worth it. And my guy can eat the entire pie all by himself, squash and all!

Rana's World Famous, Thanksgiving Weekend, Turkey Potpie.

4 cups of leftover turkey
3 med potatoes
7 med carrots
1 med butternut squash
1 fennel bulb-sliced
2 med yellow onions-sliced
2 sticks of butter
1/2 cup flour
4 cups chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
1 bag frozen peas with pearl onions
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/2 recipe of Martha Stewart's Pate Brisee (freeze the other half to use later)

1. Make the pie dough (Pate brisee) and put into fridge to chill.
2. Chop turkey into bite sized pieces. Set aside.
3. Peel and chop potatoes, carrots and squash.
Place in a dutch oven, cover with water and bring to a boil.
Boil hard for 10 minutes.
Drain veggies and set aside.
4. Using the same pot, melt butter.
Add onions and fennel and saute till soft.
5. Stir in flour.
6. Add chicken broth and stir well.
7. Continue to stir while adding the cream.
8. Gently fold in the cooked veggies, turkey and peas/onions.
9. You can add up to 1 more cup of cream if needed.
10. Turn off heat.
11. Roll out pie dough and place it on top of the hot filling.
12. Place in oven, uncovered, and bake 1 hr at 350.
13. Get some spoons and enjoy the best potpie you will ever eat!!

Mine bubbled over the crust, but not to worry. It will still be de-lish!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Turkeys are as American as apple pie. No other country makes such a fuss about its native bird. Explorers to America praised the turkey, Indians feared it, and Benjamin Franklin, the turkey's greatest champion, immortalized it as a "bird of courage" and a "true original native of America who would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British guard who would presume to invade the farmyard with a red coat on."
~Jerome Agel and Jason Shulman from The Thanksgiving Book

Just look at these 2 big boys!

I know that I have mentioned many times that we live in deer-ville. But, we also have a lot of turkeys roaming around here too!

We see them year around in small numbers here and there. But they are really active this time of year.

Even the squirrels sit up and take notice!

An autumn migration, just in time for you-know-what!

And I can tell you that most years we enjoy watching a flock move through the yard while we are enjoying one being passed around the table!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hexies need a home

Hello to all of you One Flower Wednesday gals. And to all of you bloggers at large.
Do you all remember this project?

It needs a home. I am realizing that there is a reason why this project has sat in my ufo pile for so long. I don't want to make it! So, if you would like to have these blocks for your very own, just let me know and I will send them your way.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Keeping You Posted

Of mice: he caught one!

Of Yahtzee: he is still losin'.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Of Mice and Yahtzee

My guy, aka Mr. Competitive, is having a rough go these days.

First of all there are mice. In the house. Again.

Now, we developed an off and on problem with mice 7 or 8 years ago when our daughter got her first horse. When you get a horse, you need hay. And apparently, hay comes with mice. I have tried buying mice-free hay, but it simply does not exist. no-such-thing!

So, we have mice. Lots of the them. Mostly over by the hay shed (where the cats have taken up permanent residence). But sometimes they wander over to the house. The mice, not the cats.

And when that happens my guy becomes the Great White Mouse Hunter.

He has a system. Old fashioned traps and peanut butter. Works every time!

Except this time.

This time, the mouse has managed to lick every single trap clean. Night after night.
And my guy is ticked!

So, he is upping his game. No way is he gonna be out done by a mouse.

This is what he calls "sensitivity adjustment".

"And it will work, too. You just watch".

I'll keep you posted.

His second issue involves a little hand-held, computerized Yahtzee game. And me.

Now, I am not that competitive. I like to play games for fun. But, when I manage to beat one of these uber-competitive players...well.....I like to rub it in.

I know, I know! It is so NOT nice. But there is just something about that kind of pot-stirring mischief that appeals to me. Pray for me friends. I really do need it.

So, back to the game. I think that Yahtzee is a game of chance. You either win or you don't. But, my guy disagrees. He has a "system". He absolutely refuses to reveal his system, even to me, but I can tell you that he wins at Yahtzee A LOT. So, it must be a pretty good system!

Well, a few days ago I was playing the game and came up with the new high score, 421. And then, later that same night I won again with 454. That's right people, 454. Mama's new high score.

Well. my guy flipped. He has never gotten out of the 300's. Ever.

"How many yahtzees did you get"?
"What is your system"?
(What! Reveal my system! Never!! Never mind that I don't have a system.)
"Are you crazy? I am not just going to tell you my system. It is a secret".
"You don't have one, do you"?
"Yes, I do". (liar liar pants on fire!)
"Then what is it"?
"You go first. What is your system"?
"No way. I know that you don't actually have a system".
"Yes I do. And it happens to be called the "Kick Armando's Butt at Yahtzee System. And it is clearly better than your system, because guess who has the highest score. That's right, 454".
Grumble, Grumble.

So, everyday my guy comes home and plays a few rounds of Yahtzee. And he is "modifying" his system. To date, the only thing that the modification has produced is his "lowest score ever"!

I'll keep you posted on this one too!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Quilted Inspiration From HIQF

Here are some beautiful quilts to inspire you!

This one is for Becca, my little violinist.

This one is for Courtney, my little bookworm.

Time and seasons. Isn't it great!

The beading on this one was just great. It is practically encrusted!

Storm at sea quilts have been catching my eye lately.

These gorgeous roses were made of velvet.

This one is also for my girls.

This one is for Loris.

Beautiful hollyhocks.

A beautiful Beauty.

And a close up of the quilting, and hand coloring. Fabulous!

Lovely cranes (or maybe Herons).

Love these girls!!

And a pair of sweet little birds.

Now, there is one more quilt I want to show you. But, it was hanging in the "no photographs" area. So, here is a link to the Sacred Threads 2009 gallery. It is nearer to the bottom and is titled "Pastoral Disturbance". It is amazing.
Let me know what you think!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Freedom is not Free

God Bless our Veterans!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


It seems that I have abandoned my little blog!
Sorry about that. Life just showed up and consumed me.

Firstly, I was called away on a family emergency.
Then, just as I was getting home, an opportunity to go to the Houston International Quilt Festival just fell into my lap. Now that does not happen everyday. So, of course, I said yes, and then I was off on a two week whirlwind of an adventure. I had a lot of fun. And I have some stories to tell you.

But, not today. I am behind and bogged down on every front! But soon. Very very soon.