Monday, November 8, 2010


It seems that I have abandoned my little blog!
Sorry about that. Life just showed up and consumed me.

Firstly, I was called away on a family emergency.
Then, just as I was getting home, an opportunity to go to the Houston International Quilt Festival just fell into my lap. Now that does not happen everyday. So, of course, I said yes, and then I was off on a two week whirlwind of an adventure. I had a lot of fun. And I have some stories to tell you.

But, not today. I am behind and bogged down on every front! But soon. Very very soon.



  1. And we can't hardly wait to hear about it :-)

  2. Been missing you my dear friend! So glad you're back and safely so! I simply CAN NOT wait to hear every little story you have to tell about your adventure in Quiltland!
