Thursday, March 29, 2012


This past weekend me and my guy went down to Biola. We had been very much looking forward to attending a conference there, and we were NOT disappointed. It was amazing.

But, we were not looking forward to Los Angeles! We are not city people. And Los Angeles is all city. (And just so you know, saying "Los Angeles" is so out of fashion. It is Southern California, and more specifically it is SoCal. We know these things, me and my guy, because we are totally hip. Or "hipster" as my daughter's guy likes to say. Ok, not really.)

Anyway.... SoCal has its good and its bad.

Good would be the weather and the gardens. BEAUTIFUL year around. These Azaleas were blooming on the Biola campus.

Bad would be the smog. We really hate that smog.
But seriously, it seems like the smog is gone. We forget about this because we go down there so seldom. But it is true. The SoCal-ers are doing something differently than they were in the 80's because the air is decent. Nice actually.
So, smog is off the list.

Another good would be.... the weather and the gardens.
Like this fabulous old tree, also on the Biola campus.
So much character in the trunk of that tree.

And these pretty Poppies with bumble bees wiggling around in them.

Bad would be the traffic.
But seriously, it seems like the traffic is lots better. We forget about this because we go down there so seldom. But it is true. The SoCal-ers are doing something differently than they were in the 80's... NOT!!!

That traffic is brutal. B-R-U-T-A-L. It took a full hour to drive 6 miles on Friday! And, I don't believe I have ever heard my guy use the word "ridiculous" so many times in one weekend. Ever.

But, there is that weather thing....

1 comment:

  1. So, you got on the freeway? Duh, DO NOT use the freeway in "SoCal" or it will take an hour to go six miles!
    Kathleen near Los Angeles, NOT SoCal
