As a matter of fact, never in the history of ....ever, have the words "That Rana Heredia, she is so brave", ever been uttered. Not even by small and frightened children.
No, I am more of a wimp and a whiner.
But, I am a whiner who likes to hang out by the river. With her feet in the water. And a good magazine. And iced tea. Lot's of iced tea.
But here's the rub....
In order to get to the water, you have to go down. See that rope?

(And just to be clear, my guy carried Lula down. And he might have also carried my chair. And my iced tea. And a couple of magazines. And he may have even stood at the bottom and repeatedly yelled out things like: "Yes you can" "Come on" "You are fine" "You are taking forever, will you just get down here!" "I am drinking your tea and Lula already has her feet in the water"...)

Lucky for me going up is not nearly as scarey as going down!

That is really funny!